No, you do not need a masters’ degree in fuse and fuse replacement service before successfully replacing a blown fuse. With just the right amount of information, a basic tool kit and some courage, you can definitely get it done.
As a homeowner, an emergency electrician will advise you to get acquainted with your fuse box. It is right there on the wall, either in your basement or your garage, so it would not hurt to take a closer look some time; actually, it will do you a lot of good. Your familiarity with your fuse box can tell you the type of fuse you have, including its essential ratings.
Before you begin, there are some essentials you need to know;
First things first, let us help you locate your panel. Do you always see a small, metal box, either square or rectangular shaped behind a door in your garage or attic or basement? This is the central power command for your building. In some older homes, it might be located close to the meter box outside, and it can either be a fuse box or a circuit breaker. Since it carries out the same function, it is not our point of interest.
If you search everywhere and you cannot find your electric panel, then you might want to consult your home inspection report if you got a home inspection before now. You can also ask the builder or original homeowner if that is possible. But to save all this stress, you can contact a professional electrician. Showing you the position of your electric panel should not break your bank.
Now when you find this box, ensure that it is unobstructed and easy to access. This is because if there is electrical danger, you or anyone around need to locate the box and switch off the mains as soon as possible. This is why it also makes sense to leave a torch permanently close to the area, in case of a total blackout.
Now, you can tell whether it is a fuse box or a circuit breaker that you have in your building by opening the box. A fuse box will contain round objects (fuses) screwed into some sockets, while a circuit breaker will have a series of attached switches looking like levers.
Does every electrical problem mean a blown fuse? Absolutely not! Here is how to know when your fuse is blown;
Note that these cute, little fuses are actually lifesavers, giving their lives to protect yours. A fuse is a safety circuit in a building which automatically disconnects power by taking the overload on itself. This overload, if uninterrupted, can lead to a lot of electrical damages including starting up a fire.
Before starting anything, ensure that the lights, sockets and appliances in the affected room are all turned off. This will save you from having to replace the fuse, seconds after you replace it. If you leave the lights and switches on, and you replace the blown fuse, the load might be too much for the new fuse thereby blowing it immediately and wasting your efforts.
Before any electrical work is done in a building, the mains switch should be turned off. After doing this, locate the blown fuse from the panel. You can tell from the fuse that looks soggy and melted. This melting is as a result of overheated wires in the fuse. Unscrew the blown fuse and remove it. The replacement fuse should have the same ratings with the blown fuse. Check the ampere rating to see that it is the same, or if in doubt, take the blown fuse to the electrical store and ask for the exact replacement. Now, screw the new fuse back in place.
Switch on the mains, and inspect your job. Check the affected room to see that the power has been restored, and try plugging in some appliances without overloading any socket. If all is well, and nothing gets blown or is unstable, then you did a great job. If the fuse blows again, or the power outage is not restored, then you need to get a professional to check things out. It could be a deeper problem from a faulty internal connection or bad wiring. Either way, do not start testing and trying things. Simply turn off the mains and contact a professional.
Note that before proceeding on any electrical service, you should be properly prepared. Take safety precautions and adhere to all safety rules to ensure that you do not put yourself in danger.
Finally, if you need an emergency electrician near me that you can trust, then Electric Works London is here for you. We have extensive knowledge on all things electrical, and we are always willing to proffer solutions to electrical problems. When you call us on 020 7183 4006, we will respond.